Tuesday, April 17, 2012


There are many brands that stand out.  They give you a promise to serve you through the bad times and the good times.  These are the brands that you cannot live without.  The brands that have changed the way we as people live today and how our lives will be shaped down the road. I would have to say one of my love marks is Dodge Trucks.  I am completely sold on there dependability and ability to get the job done better than any other truck on the market today.  I have owned Dodge trucks my entire life and have had vary little problems with them.  We also use them on the ranch, to do everything from getting groceries to pulling a 24 foot trailer full of cattle all around the ranch.  This sometimes can mean getting in some pretty bad spots, but our dodge pickup always seem to keep us going.  We have two trucks on the ranch with well over 200,000 miles on them and they just keep going.  They are unreal, the interior is outstanding. There are all the creature comforts you could need in them and the body is very strong and can take lots of abuse. The warranty  and service that I have seen from the factory has been outstanding. Every thing I have needed has been taken care of promptly.  Dodge has also stood the test of time, they have been in business for many more years than I have even been alive. I think that they will be around for a long time to come.
 The love mark is a positive idea that the company associates there product with. That makes you feel better about the product or more apt to buy it.  Dodge uses the idea of rodeo to help insure you that you are picking the vary best truck on the market.  The idea states that if you drive a Dodge you and your family will get to the rodeo.  It also gives the feeling that if every one going to rodeos drives a Dodge, then they must be the strongest  pickup on the market today. The next thing I see this saying is that most of the people being interviewed where professionals and had won several rodeos.  I think that this idea also says that if you drive a Dodge you will be a winner.  It looks like there are many other love marks also being used by Dodge.  They all seem to appeal to different groups.  I love rodeo so the Dodge rodeo thing appeals to me, but I see where Dodge has to take many angles to show everyone about their product.http://www.ramtrucks.com/en/proven/

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