Thursday, February 23, 2012

Reading quest 2

Question - How can an MRI that shows more information and a better picture quality be less effective for doctors working on a pacient with back pain.

for many years there was only one way to treat back and that was bed rest and maby some pain medicine there have been many back problems cured by this treatment later on the X-ray machine was invented and this gave doctors a much greater view of the back but it was still only showing bone and a one dementional picture so most genarly the back problems that the patient where experiencing would still be treated in the same way with bed rest and Tylenol in the 80's the MRI was invented this was a machine that used high powered magnets to take a high resolution picture that actully showed the layers of matter underneath the skin back problems where being treated in a whole new way now beacuse the doctors could actully get right into the problems and see inflomation and abnormalitys  this created a reasion to do surgerys and try to reduce this inflomation and take care of abnormalitys wich actuly where just wear on the back these surgerys that where fixing the abnormalitys seamed to not help there in this case was almot to much information a doctor could see sevral problems and would have a hard time pinpointing the actule problem causing the pain and would also have a hard time deciding weather or not time would cure the problem.

1 comment:

  1. I see where this chapter was questioning our rational thinking ability as it pertains to more technology and therefore more information is leading to irrational medical thoughts. I believe that the doctors are being more apt to err on the side of caution and give the patient the full back work up, i.e. MRI, surgery, physical therapy, prescriptions. The medical world now is about making money in my eyes and if the patient has insurance or can afford these procedures, then the doctors can and will proceed in the course that can be afforded financially. I also see that the doctors not wanting any kind of medical malpractice suit brought against them would be more apt to give the full procedure than to not give enough medical attention and be sued.
