Thursday, February 23, 2012

Reading quest 2

Question - How can an MRI that shows more information and a better picture quality be less effective for doctors working on a pacient with back pain.

for many years there was only one way to treat back and that was bed rest and maby some pain medicine there have been many back problems cured by this treatment later on the X-ray machine was invented and this gave doctors a much greater view of the back but it was still only showing bone and a one dementional picture so most genarly the back problems that the patient where experiencing would still be treated in the same way with bed rest and Tylenol in the 80's the MRI was invented this was a machine that used high powered magnets to take a high resolution picture that actully showed the layers of matter underneath the skin back problems where being treated in a whole new way now beacuse the doctors could actully get right into the problems and see inflomation and abnormalitys  this created a reasion to do surgerys and try to reduce this inflomation and take care of abnormalitys wich actuly where just wear on the back these surgerys that where fixing the abnormalitys seamed to not help there in this case was almot to much information a doctor could see sevral problems and would have a hard time pinpointing the actule problem causing the pain and would also have a hard time deciding weather or not time would cure the problem.

Reading quest 1

Question- in what way does a question being worded in two different ways effect the way we make desitions about the subject the first way being worded in a positive manner and the other in a negetive.

In the book there is a section talking about the chances of decition being made due to a question being worded differently and the odds of how the question will be answered. The first question asked if you would like to take a gamble on 50 dolars it was a all or nothing bet the second option was that you could take a different bet and be shure you would keep 20 dollars. When the question was reworded in the same instance you would loose 30 of the origanl 50 and more than half the people that where studyed changed ther answere and insted bet the whole fifty under the sercumstance of the second offer when realy thay still would have came out with that same 20 dollars. I was supprised to read that the amydgala a portion of the bran does not like negitivity and will actuly make you unhapy about reading about a loss.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This is my first post I am kinda behind or late getting on this but I have been so snowed under with work from other classes I am just now getting caught up but any way hear is my first post