Thursday, May 3, 2012

Diana conspiracy

 It seams like for every story there are facts and information that is ether lost or never can be found in the case of princess Diana we have just enough missing information to make a conspiracy in her death actuly a plausible action. There are so many untied ends that we may never know in this case. There was a white fiat uno that was involved in the crash that killed princess Diana that was never found or seen again. one suspect that claimed to be out of the country at the time of the crash that owned a care that would match this description was fount dead in his car burned to the point he was identified by dental records. The fact that this car was involved with the wreck and never lost control in the tunnel is also remarkable that a car as large as the one that the princess was riding in could have struck a care that was so much smaller without causing it to loose control is amazing considering the fact that it sent the care that princess Diana was in into the 13th pillar of the tunnel.There are also reports that the driver of this car was vary intoxicated although this could be true the man looks to be in great shape on the security video that shows them leaving and getting into the car. he shows no signs of intoxication. This is another fact that many people think has been blotched that maybe the blood samples could have been switched. In the Autopsy of the driver there has been nothing stated in the report that has anything to do with the smell of alcohol or alcohol in the system. I have watched several videos and read some or the reports done on this subject and have included links to some of the better sources below. Through all of my research though I have to think that there is a possible chance that there is something being covered up in this investigation I mean all the evidence from the original police reports show that this was just a regular car crash but there is to much evidence that could point to foul play to completely wright this thing off as busted.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Wolves VS. Wildlife Wolves win we lose.

In this photo wolves are eating a moose while it is still alive they will kill the moose and eat a minimal portion and then find something else that is fun to kill.
Something has to be done about wolves before there is no ungulate game left in the west.